Refer to a Github Issue by:
* Single issue: :issue:`1780`
* Multiple issues: :issue:`1780,1758`
* Issue of another project: :issue:`drbild/sslpsk#31`
This will be displayed as:
Single issue: #1780
Issue of another project: drbild/sslpsk#31
Pull request
Refer to a Github Pull request by:
* Single pull request: :pr:`160`
* Multiple pull requests: :pr:`150,160`
* Pull request of another project: :pr:`bareos/bareos-contrib#34`
This will be displayed as:
Single pull request: #160
Pull request of another project: bareos/bareos-contrib#34
Refer to a Github Commit by:
* Commit, full hash: :commit:`a3affbea2047441c19df7cae067b6e47ce030a9a`
* Commit, short hash: :commit:`a3affbe`
* Commit from another project: :commit:`bareos/bareos-contrib@edfa2e19`
This will be displayed as:
Commit, full hash: @a3affbe
Commit, short hash: @a3affbe
Commit from another project: bareos/bareos-contrib@edfa2e1
Download Urls
The role :downloadUrls:
expands to the download URL of the current build. It uses variables set in Jenkins for this.
For the current build, the output is:
If only the base release URL should be displayed, use . as parameter:
The output will look like this: